Executive Committee

As one of the main decision-making bodies of the Confederation, the CIBP Executive Committee meets at least once a year at the premises of one of its members.

List of CIBP Executive Committee members – (updated 04//06/2024)

  • Carlos HELLER, President of Banco Credicoop – Argentina
  • Ricardo SAPEI, Vice-President of Banco Credicoop – Argentina
  • Gerald FLEISCHMANN, Chairman of Volksbank Wien – Austria
  • Peter HAUBNER, Member of the Board of ÖGV – Austria
  • Regina OVESNY-STRAKA, Supervisory Board Member, Volksbank Wien – Austria
  • Cristelle JULIEN, Senior Executive Assistant of CFO of Banque CPH – Belgium
  • Marco Aurélio Borges de ALMADA ABREU, CEO of SICOOB – Brazil
  • Rubens Rodrigues FILHO, CRO of SICOOB – Brazil
  • Fernando Vicente NETTO, CFO of SICOOB – Brazil
  • Claudio Halley PERREIRA, Head of Strategy of SICOOB – Brazil
  • Rodrigo ARAUJO, Innovations and Markets Manager of SICOOB – Brazil
  • Siria JELDES, President of COOPEUCH – Chile
  • Rodrigo SILVA, CEO of COOPEUCH – Chile
  • Philippe HENRI, President of Banque Populaire Méditerranée and Member of the Supervisory
    Board of BPCE– France
  • Philippe HOURDAIN, President and FNBP Chairman – France
  • Boris JOSEPH, CEO of Banque Populaire Rives de Paris – France
  • Alain GIRON, General Director of FNBP – France
  • Benoit de la Chapelle BIZOT, Head of Public Affairs of BCPE – France
  • Dr. Jan Tibor BÖTTCHER, Head of Division Policy Affairs & Government Relations of BVR – Germany
  • Marija KOLAK, Member of Board of Managing Directors and President of BVR –  Germany
  • Dr. Holger MIELK, Head of Legal Division of BVR –  Germany
  • Daniel QUINTEN, Member of the Board of Managing Directors of BVR – Germany
  • Markus STACHEL, Group Head Investor Relations of DZ BANK AG – Germany
  • Mohamed Karim MOUNIR, CEO & Chairman of BCP – Morocco
  • Hanane EL BOURY, Executive Director Financial Institutions Group of BCP – Morocco

Presidential Committee

List of CIBP Presidential Committee members (updated 04/06/2024)


  • Philippe HENRI, President of Banque Populaire Méditerranée and Member of the Supervisory
    Board of BPCE – France


  • Marco Aurélio Borges de ALMADA ABREU, CEO of SICOOB – Brazil
  • Cristelle JULIEN, Senior Executive Assistant of CFO of Banque CPH  – Belgium
  • Marija KOLAK, Member of Board of Managing Directors and President of BVR – Germany
  • Mohamed Karim MOUNIR, President BCP – Morocc

Audit Committee

List of CIBP Audit Committee members (updated 04/05/2024)

  • Anouar MESKINE, Chief Financial Officer of BCP – Morocco
  • Robert MAKOWITZ, Member of the Board of ÖGV – Austria
  • Rogerio MURTA, Budget and Costs Manager of SICOOB – Brazil
    Under French Presidency supervision:
  • Didier ROUSSEAU, Secretary General of FNBP – France

General Secretariat

The General Secretariat is the permanent body of CIBP. It is responsible for the efficient running of CIBP’s activities.
  • Philippe HENRI, President 
  • Valeria RUTGERS, Secretary General
  • Brigitte COLMER, Project Manager

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