Banking on Cooperative Values


"Just transition": Addressing the social and economic impacts on societies in the race for a climate-resilient economy

“Just transition” is a crucial approach to ensure that the shift towards a low-carbon, climate-resilient economy is fair and inclusive.
Addressing the social and economic impacts on workers, communities, and vulnerable populations becomes essential to raise the awareness among communities on probable unfamiliar and indirect consequences.
Embracing just transition principles is particularly important for cooperative banks as it aligns with their core values and presents an opportunity to support theirmembers and communities through this significant economic transformation.

Guest speaker: Lishia Erza (Entrepreneur, Sustainability Advocate, Business Mentor)
Guest speaker: Monika Tögel: Sustainability Officer for the Association of Volksbanks in Austria, Certified CSR Expert

Sustainability as a company's DNA - practical example based on a regional cooperative bank by VOLKSBANK WIEN

After introducing the Association of Volksbanks in Austria the path of implementing sustainability – from paper to reality – will be shown in this SPARK.

This includes the sustainability principles of Volksbank Association in Austria, the process of materiality analysis, communication and how the “Project Sustainability” was built up, successfully completed and the integration of sustainability into all areas and processes of Volksbank Association was reached.

Guest speaker: Stefan Resetarits : Regulartory Affairs ÖGV, Austria

The Role of Renewable Energy Cooperatives in the Climate Transformation in Austria

With the newly adopted Renewable Energy Expansion Act which entered into force at the end of July 2021, Austria aims to achieve the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement 2015. 

The act creates new framework conditions for the expansion of renewable energy in Austria. New actors were introduced to the energy market in Austria. One of them ist the Renewable Energy Community (EEG), which can also be established as a cooperative. An EEG can produce electricity from renewable energy sources and consume, sell or store this electricity.
In order to create new business opportunities and do its part in the transition to a climate neutral economy, ÖGV has formed an cooperation with PowerSolution, a provider of technical assistance to EEGs and the Volksbanken, which can offer the finanical means and banking services to establish an EEG and expand its production of electricity.

What is the purpose of an EEG, who can be its members and what are the advantages for the members? All this will be covered during the session.

Guest speaker: Ricardo Eyer Harris: Head of Deputy Governor’s Office, Central Bank of Brazil

The Sustainability Agenda of the Central Bank of Brazil

In September 2020, the Central Bank of Brazil included a new sustainability pillar in its institutional agenda, the BC# Agenda, signaling the importance of this topic in the scope of its legal mandate to seek price and financial stability. 

At the end of last year, new regulations were published, improving the prudential framework for the management of social, environmental and climate risks by financial institutions and creating new requirements for transparency on the opportunities and risks related to the topic.

Another important initiative was the development of a sustainable rural credit bureau, an initiative that will reduce the asymmetry of information in this segment, allowing the offer of more favorable and diversified conditions of access to credit by rural producers.

Guest speaker: Tariq Noori: Department Head Group Strategy / Sustainability, DZ BANK, Germany, Panel member of the Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster.

Financial Sustainability - How can Sustainable transformation of our economy succeed?

DZ BANK’s Key Role to play in the Sustainability Transformation of the Real Economy. As the topic of Sustainability has grown continuously over the past decades; it seems vital for cooperative and popular banks to also focus on how they can support Customers and the Economy while complying to Regulatory basis.

However, a sustainable economy can only succeed if the green transformation encompasses all sectors and companies with a holistic approach:
– Focusing solely on already green companies, economic activities and technologies is misleading, as this approach does not contribute to solving climate change
– Raising awareness on CO2-intensive industries and technologies that still account for the largest share of CO2 emissions and thus also of climate change (e.g. energy sector, cement industry)

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